“Friends & Angels”
by: Bill WorrellCall for price
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“Spirits Among Us”
Bill Worrell
There are Spirits among us
Good Spirits who love us
I have seen their tracks in the clouds
And in the sky
I have walked with their shadows
I have visited with them in the caves
I have heard their songs
In the winds
And in the falling waters
Spirits are my guides
They take me places I would never have been
In the evenings when the stars are bright
When the moon is waxing high
When the planets are aligned
Spirits fetch me from my slumber
And visit my dreams
We fly through the night
To places where the day lasts forever
Where all my quests are made known
There are Spirits among us
In the rocks
The trees
The moving sands
The grass bending in the wind
The rivers that cleanse me
The springs that quench my thirst
There are Spirits among us
Worrell – 3/13/04 – 4:42 p.m.
Upper Canyon Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico