“Passing By”
by: Lynn DemiurgeCall for price
Lynn Demiurge brushes steel canvases, transforming them to reflect highlighted prismatic depth of color. It can take him days, or even weeks to choose paints, patinas and other materials that are carefully selected to reflect the inner voice of that one piece of art before he ever begins to paint. Lynn is moved by the natural beauty and color found in nature. His love for the southwest and multiple travels to the Caribbean has inspired him to meld ocean movement with high desert color. The muse of nature transports new complexities within his steel canvases. It is this awe of color and light movement that continues to press Lynn to create new art pieces and keeps him in the studio. “I hope you are taken on a daily journey with each piece,” says Lynn
Availability: Sold - Commissions AvailableMedium: Steel
Edition Type: Original
Edition Size:
Dimensions: 59.5"h 51.5"w
Style: Contemporary
Subject: Abstract