Few words are needed to define and reveal the power and beauty of Lorenzo and Laran Ghiglieri’s art, a father and son duo. Lorenzo searched for meaning in his work by embodying the life of a frontiersman, trekking across mountains and deserts, even fighting his way out of grizzly confrontations. His work now graces the walls of some of the most prestigious establishments in the world, including the Vatican, White House, and the Royal Palace in Madrid. Lorenzo’s art has universal appeal and when unveiled to us it results in a stirring effect. It is meaningful, powerful, authentic, and valuable. It is his passion.

Born in America of Italian, French and German immigrants, Lorenzo Ghiglieri grew up in a rich ethnic culture on the fringe of Los Angeles near clear mountains, sandy beaches and arid deserts of southern California.  After receiving extensive formal training, Lorenzo took it upon himself to study the Old Masters, especially deriving influence from Rembrandt, Velazquez and Corot.  At the age of seventeen, he was honored with a prestigious art scholarship, but was interrupted serving duty on a U.S. destroyer during the Korean War.  He received his first commission as a combat illustrator from the United States Government to paint a marine scene that became a gift to Great Britain, to honor Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation.  At twenty-two, Lorenzo was working as an illustrator on various national accounts in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles through an international advertising agency.

His search for meaning in his work led him from formal training into raw life experiences. Living the life of a lonely frontiersman, Lorenzo trekked across mountains and deserts, researching and documenting for his art. He fought his way out of grizzly confrontations and the wilderness from which some men disappear forever. He lived the simple, rugged life with the Eskimos on the final frontier of Alaska. Out of the richness of these experiences he emerged, deeply engrained with the will to preserve, protect and prolong America’s western heritage. It is etched in every stroke of his paintings, molded in every one of his bronze sculptures. And it has not gone unnoticed.

Lorenzo sadly passed in 2020, however his legacy carries on through his work, which graces the walls of the most prestigious establishments in the world. His sculptures and paintings have been presented to Pope John Paul II at The Vatican in Rome, President Ronald Reagan at the White House, Mikhail Gorbachev of the Kremlin and King Juan Carlos of the Royal Palace in Madrid. Tiger Woods, Luciano Pavarotti and General Schwartzkopf are a few others who take pride in their ownership of a Lorenzo Ghiglieri sculpture.

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